Thursday, 6th June 2024
Tutor: Owen Wiley from Symphony Coatings

Thursday, 6th June 2024 from 9am to 1pm.
No previous experience necessary.
Max 10 people per course.
You will learn:
Health & Safety (correct masks, mixing, etc)
How to set up spray guns for use
Preparation work
Applications of product of your choice
Correct sanding between coats
Top coat on product
Correct cleaning of equipment and booth after use
Your trainer will provide spray guns for practice during the course but you can bring your own if you prefer.
Bring your own PPE (mask, goggles, overalls).
Total price per person £55
You can book this course in your member's account, under Make a Booking / Paint. If you are not yet a member, don't worry! Just contact our Customer Service desk on 020 8803 3987 to book your space.
Note: You will still need to book a booth induction before using the spray booth after this course. This induction is to show you how to use the spray booth and drying room safely, how to dispose of different types of paint and the general spray booth and drying room house rules.